Monday, April 26, 2010

Lady Banks Rose


  1. They are absolutely stunning. I've never seen roses so plentiful.

  2. The new header with the flowering Rosemary is lovely. The Lady Banks Rose is amazing, you must not have the evil Japanese Beetle where you are located. If you do have the beetle in your area you must tell me the secret for keeping this love rose bush alive! If you do not have the beetle count yourself very fortunate, it would be devoured in 24 hours!

  3. Thanks to everyone for stopping by!

    Julie - Thanks for the compliment on the header. I just love rosemary! My LBR is about 7-8 years old now. We keep it trimmed back but it has really thrived with very little help from us. We must not have many Japanese beetles in our area although last year I found the shells of several in our yard (one was huge). I love low maintenance hardy plants that bloom so beautifully! I rooted one of the shooters last year and will be replanting it as soon as it has bloomed out (this weekend probably).

  4. I fell in love with Lady Banks in Savannah. It was in all the old gardens. I found a plant to bring home, I lost her last year.
