Flock #2 consists of:
1 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte (BLRW) Rooster
3 BLRW pullets
2 Easter Egger pullets
1 Silkie pullet
General Characteristics: Ages range between 20 - 28 weeks. No one is laying yet but we are in "egg alert" mode.
BLRWs - So far, these are my favorites! They are quiet, gentle and very friendly. They like to be held and cuddled and will sometimes follow me around until I pick them up. Hopefully the two older ones will start laying soon. I am going to try and hatch a couple of clutches this next spring. We'll see how that goes....
Easter Eggers - They have been the least friendly of all my birds (at least until recently....so maybe they will start laying soon???). I can't wait until I get my first green, blue or pink eggs. I will probably order more EE or Americaunas this spring because I like the thought of having differently colored eggs.
Silkie - I was given the Silkie by a friend because she was the only one to hatch out of several eggs. She is very sweet. I'm hoping to use her as my surrogate mother as I hear they make good broodies.
BLRW RoosterBLRW pulletsEaster Egger
Mixed group